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November 05, 2005

Data projectors

We also ordered a buch of gadgets for our Seminar Room:

Two data projectors. document camera, audio, PC to control them and Podium to keep all this great staff. And two motorized screens. Some equipment came, some is coming.
- When? - Suppliers know...
- What is missing? - This is the Big Secret.
- Why?

The trouble is that the guys who are going to install the staff are not ordinary humans. They will come only once to install all the staff, and their Second Coming would be a real miracle. Well, the miraculous would be the price paid for this. And therefore heck with all professors who are desperately waiting for the equipment which is probably already here - the suppliers and service people should be kept happy.

...................................................................................................................................To be continued

Posted by Victor at November 5, 2005 03:13 PM