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April 09, 2006

People with two left hands

There are too many of them in this University. For the assistants of the higher administration it looks like a job requirement. Why else they type documents in M$ Word, print them, sign them, scan to PDF (non-OCRd) and put this monstrosities on-line? Can they just print them to PDF? Or if the believe that signatures are that important can they at least OCR them, reducing the size 4 times as a bonus? May be it is really difficult to place the documents in the ADF or on the platen glass properly?

Why my esteemed colleagues need to swich in our data projector Auto Keystone correction off? I doubt they know what keystone correction is but their playfull left hands do it automatically. Why cannot they plug video cable into "Computer 1 In" slot but first plug it to "Computer 2 In" and then try to find how to change the source?

Who needs to print heavily graphics Web document on monochrome laser printer? The output does not look nice (and usually is not taken) while wastes the toner enough to print a large article?

Posted by Victor at April 9, 2006 03:49 PM