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July 18, 2006

Peacekeepers and peacemakers

President Bush and Prime Minister Harper were absolutely right to reject the idea of the immediate ceasefire. Finishing current bloodshed would have a price to pay: Hezballah would be rebuilt, rearmed and ready for the next assault. There will be no permanent peace as long as there is armed Hezballah and there peace will come instantly after Hezballah is destroyed or at least disarmed.

And as long as there no peace there is need not in peacekeepers but in peacemakers. However there is a peacemaking force in the region, much more powerful than anything NATO (without USA) can scramble and deploy. This force is IDF and it is already deploed.

Sure if France, UK, Germany or Russia want to send their ground troops to erradicate Hezballah launch sites and weapon stockpiles, it would be welcome. However if they have a goal to stop IDF assault and thus to protect Hezballah from IDF, they will be terrorist rescuers.

Better to deploy them in Chechnya then.

Posted by Victor at July 18, 2006 09:04 AM