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August 08, 2006

Complimentary crap II

Events started from Complimentary Delivery of "newspaper" Toronto $!@&. No other newspaper has an indecency to pimp itself in this way: make a "Complimentary delivery" (without even thinking to ask permission; complete arrogance), aggressive phone-marketing, door-to-door solicitation (at least this was their practice few years ago) and dumping a lot of free copies at University of Toronto (I think even at $0 it is overpriced; when we arranged to high-schoolers events at Sundays and are required to leave rooms clean, we spent a lot of time removing this garbage scattered around; it was in Sidney Smith Hall. This stopped when we moved to Bahen Centre for Information Technology where these guys are not allowed to keep their garbage distribution station) .

This is a Complimentary Log (milestone days are marked by red)

  • Monday, August 1. Day 1 of getting litter on my porch.

  • Tuesday, August 2. Day 2 of getting litter on my porch.

  • Wednesday, August 3. Day 3 of getting litter on my porch. Thinking about countermeasure.

  • Thursday, August 4. Day 4 of getting litter on my porch. Sent the fax to one of T-Star fax numbers asking them to stop.

  • Saturday, August 5. Day 5 of getting litter on my porch. My fax was ignored: poor morons failed to grasp consequences. Faxed to editors one of my articles with watermark Complimentary Copy across each of 21 pages (Sample page on the left).

  • Sunday, August 6. Day 6 of getting litter on my porch. My fax was ignored: poor morons failed to grasp consequences. Faxed to editors another article with watermark Complimentary Copy across each of 93 pages.

  • Sunday, August 6. Realized my mistake: these guys confuse write and wrong, black and white and thus have difficulties reading black-on-white. Will send them tomorrow everything in inverted colors (Sample page on the right)

  • Sunday, August 6.
    Placed a sign at my house:

  • Monday, August 7. No junk.

  • Tuesday, August 8. No junk. Victory? Have David (me) beaten Goliath? What move brought down the juggernaut (faxes or a sign)? May be some resuorceful person begins to make such signs and sell them? Should I take a patent? Let's wait for the next day to see if the victory is full and final.

  • Tuesday, August 8. Victory! I got a call from (416) 367-2000 and I was told that from Toronto Star, that they got my faxes and will look at this matter and asked not to fax my articles. As long as there are no more newspapers there will be no articles said I. But added that I asked not to call me and I am not interested in their explanations.

  • I am feeling that I own them few articles more but hopefully they will not be too disappointed not getting them.

Posted by Victor at August 8, 2006 05:52 PM